Friday, February 21, 2025

Pride and Humility: Friday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time (Genesis 11:1-9; Psalm 33:10-11, 12-13, 14-15; Mark 8:34—9:1)

Our readings today give us a stark contrast between pride and humility.

The first reading describes the pride that was rampant in the land of Shinar.  The whole world clambering to build great things and obtain great achievements, not for the glory of God, but rather for themselves.

We see in this self-interest and self-motivation that great things were accomplished…great by the standards of the world.  Regardless of how “great” it seemed, the ultimate outcome was the destruction of their civilization as they were scattered all over the earth.

In contrast, the Gospel reminds us there is no profit to gaining the whole world, if it means forfeiting our lives.  

There is nothing wrong with accomplishing great things in this life, but we must have the right intention.  Does our motivation consist of vainglory, or is our motivation for the Glory of God?  Are our efforts a serious attempt to expand the Kingdom of God into the world around us, or are we simply trying to build our own kingdom?

It is this type of humility that we are called to embrace in our daily walk with Christ as we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him.  

This type of humility is not a situation where we think less of ourselves, but rather, think of ourselves less…making sure that we are trying to think of God and others in everything we do.  

This type of humility is not a situation where we deny ourselves of things to the effect we create a sense of artificial martyrdom, but rather, a situation where we recognize the things we have are gifts from God and that we are stewards of these things as opposed to possessors.

In a recent General Audience, our Holy Father said, “Humility is everything. It is what saves us from the Evil One, and from the danger of becoming his accomplices. And humility is the source of peace in the world and in the Church. Where there is no humility, there is war, there is discord, there is division. God has given us an example of [humility] in Jesus and Mary, so that it may be our salvation and happiness. And humility is precisely the way, the path to salvation.”

Of course, starting the journey of being humble is in itself an act of humility.  We must realize that being humble is something that is very difficult for us to achieve on our own.  We need the grace of God to truly be humble.

Let us renew our resolve to follow the path of love and mercy.  Let us be watchful of those moments of pride, fear, anger, envy, and greed that inevitably surface.  When we encounter these temptations, let us surrender the emotions and related situations to the Lord.  Let us renew our trust in God’s providence in all things.  Let us pray for the grace of acceptance and detachment.

Through humility, we truly receive the full blessing that comes with being chosen to be His own.

Thanks be to God!

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