Saint John Bosco is one of the patron saints of the youth. He lived in a time of great turmoil, a time where Europe was in the midst of a great cultural shift in the wake of the Protestant Reformation and subsequent the French Revolution. As part of that, the Napoleonic wars and the Industrialization of society had presented numerous physical, spiritual, and moral dangers to which the youth seemed particularly vulnerable.
John Bosco witnessed the impact of this first hand in Turin Italy. He felt the call from God to encounter the numerous youth wandering the streets of Turin in order to befriend them and ultimately shepherd them. He helped them learn to live in the footsteps of Christ in a world that was increasingly an arena of secular humanism.
We’ve seen evidence in our parish of the power of evangelizing to youth. Entire families come to a deeper relationship with Christ through a deeper devotion introduced through a child.
This indicates the importance of introducing children to Christ. That doesn’t mean we need to indoctrinate them, but John Bosco reminds us of the importance of a relationship with Christ and gives us some thoughts on how we can help protect the younger generation from the world, the flesh, and the devil.
First, Recognize the Countless Enemies of the Young
In the 16th century, Our Lady of Good Success warned that by the end of the 20th century, “Innocence will almost no longer be found in children”. We have seen this prophecy play out before our very eyes as society failed to heed the warnings of the Church and failed to recognize the enemies prowling about, seeking the souls of our children. We must never underestimate the real dangers of moral relativism, secular humanism, and the other -isms that stand in opposition to the truth of Jesus Christ.
Second, Pray, Pray, and Pray
If we are being honest, each of us could probably pray a bit more for our youth…praying for their spiritual safety and sanctification. In the midst of all the noble prayer intentions we have, be sure to include the youth. Offer Masses, rosaries, novenas, spiritual communions, fasting, and almsgiving that our youth will live pure, noble, and holy lives.
Third, Strive to make connections with the youth
Negative attitudes we typically see in the youth are often the result of a need for positive attention and interaction. One of the keys to John Bosco’s success is that he learned to play with the youth he worked with.
It shows the importance of building relationships with the youth, but we can also encourage the families in our lives to be intentional about creating space for quality mealtime and family time. Study after study show there is a direct correlation between sitting down to a quality meal as a family on a daily basis to lower depression rates and increased well-being among the youth.
At the same time, we must rediscover healthy boundaries. We need to limit electronics..particularly during meal time and other family moments. By doing so, we will send a clear message that God and the human person have infinite value over electronics and other modern idols of our day.
Fourth, Consecrate children, grandchildren, and godchildren to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
John Bosco said, “I have done nothing by myself,” saying it was “Our Lady who has done everything” through her intercession with God.
As I have mentioned in the past, I consecrate my family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the Green Scapular. When the Immaculate Heart of Mary is invoked through the Green Scapular, Our Lady will obtain great favors from her Divine Son—especially in the area of spiritual conversion. Mary will obtain the conversion of those who have fallen away from the True Faith, as well as those who never possessed it. By consecrating our youth to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the Green Scapular, they will have access to this grace of conversion and spiritual protection.
The legacy of Saint John Bosco lives on through the Society of St. Francis de Sales, which he established, to help boys with their faith formation and to give them options to stay out of trouble. We too can imitate John Bosco as examples of the Faith to the youth in our lives, helping them see Christ in everything they do.
Thanks be to God.