I am particularly struck by the statement that "through the fraction and through Communion, the faithful, though many, receive from the one bread the Lord's Body and from the one chalice the Lord's Blood in the same way that the Apostles received them from the hands of Christ Himself."
This served as sort of confirmation of
something that I had come to believe in my personal faith journey. When I
am at Mass, I always try to allow myself to be drawn into a transcendent
mystical space that enables me to be spiritually present to the Last Supper and
the Crucifixion, as well as the Eternal Passover in Heaven.
Through the Eucharistic prayers, Jesus is
made present to us in a special way through all time, all space, and
eternity. Through the Eucharistic prayers, it is like we are mystically
pulled into a spatial anomaly that makes us simultaneously present in the
eternal now and all points of salvation history. We are brought heart to
heart with love Himself…at His finest hour of glory.
Through the Eucharistic prayers, we have
the privilege of being mystically present to Jesus along with Mary, John, and
the angels at both Calvary and marriage banquet in heaven.
This mystical experience took on a new
dimension for me on a recent trip to the Holy Lands. Standing on Mount
Zion, where Jesus instituted the Eucharist is an experience that I will never
forget. Praying in the spots where Jesus suffered, died, and resurrected
Has brought a new perspective for me as I engage in and more actively
participate in the Divine Liturgy. Participating in a Mass, engaging in
the Eucharistic prayers, and receiving the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of
our Blessed Lord on Calvary was the most incredible thing I have ever
participated in.
The experience I had on Calvary, is the
same experience each of us can have at each and every Mass. It is true
that we "receive from the one bread the Lord's Body and from the one
chalice the Lord's Blood in the same way that the Apostles received them from
the hands of Christ Himself." This is the Mass!