Whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.
I am looking forward to spending some time with my grandchildren later today. When I am able to spend time quality time with them, I find I am able to access my inner child in a positive way.
Now my wife would probably say there are plenty of times I access my inner child in a not so positive way, but that is a homily for another day.
When I am with my grandchildren, I see awe and wonder. I see love and openness. I see curiosity and eagerness to learn. I see innocence. I see humility and simpleness. Above all, I see obedience.
Even at times when they may be feeling out the boundaries and exploring limits, there is still a pervading sense of obedience.
That makes me think about what it means to be a Christian. When we think about what it means to be a Christian, we may think of it in terms of the theological virtues: faith, hope, and love.
As we learned from our Gospel last Sunday, even non-Christians love. And, as we hear stories from the Gospel similar to the readings on Monday, we might start to wonder if Satan and the evil spirits might have faith….perhaps more faith than some of us do, myself included.
So, it makes me wonder: what makes faith a true Christian faith, hope a true Christian hope, and love a true Christian love? I propose the answer is true obedience.
The Lord said to Saint Faustina, “You will receive a greater reward for your obedience and subjection to your confessor than you will for the practices (fasting and mortification) which you will be carrying out. Know this, My daughter, and act accordingly: anything, no matter how small it be, that has the seal of obedience to My representative is pleasing to Me and great in My eyes.”
My grandchildren exhibit an innocent obedience to their parents and grandparents. There is no way they can possibly understand the reason behind why there are certain rules and expectations in place, they simply obey out of love.
I am sure we all have memories from our childhood where our parents had certain rules and expectations for us that we didn’t understand at the time.
Why can’t I ride my bike in the dark? Why can’t I have cookies for breakfast? Why do I have to go to bed now? Why do I need to eat my vegetables? Why do I have to wear my coat?
Now that we have matured into adulthood, we understand why those rules and expectations were in place. If you are like me, we are probably grateful for them now because we realize how they fostered our development and formation into mature adulthood.
At the same time, we need to appreciate the parallels of this analogy to our spiritual maturity. Currently, each of us are in our spiritual childhood. How we live now will impact what our mature spirituality will look like when we enter into eternity.
I realize some of us struggle with some of the challenging teachings of the Church. I get it. I know there are struggles over the Church teachings related to contraception. I know there are struggles over the Church teachings related to in vitro fertilization. I know there are struggles over why it is so important to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent. I know there are struggles over why it is imperative to go to Mass on Holy Days of Obligation.
We must always remember that just as obedience to our natural parents was the immensely important to our development as children and our maturing into adulthood, our obedience to our spiritual mother, the Catholic Church, is immensely important to our spiritual development and maturity. Our obedience to our spiritual mother, the Catholic Church, ensures we have true Christian faith, true Christian hope, and true Christian love.
This Lent, let us take a serious look at those teachings of the Church that we struggle with. Instead of resisting these teachings, lean into them. Accept them, as an obedient child, even if we don’t fully understand them. Trust that God has given us a good spiritual parent in His Holy Catholic Church, the bride of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Representative on Earth. Allow holy obedience to transform us into a true child of God. The Lord’s kindness truly is everlasting to those who fear Him, but only through holy obedience.
Thanks be to God!